How do you choose the right table saw fence for your needs?
Comparing Table Saw Fences
When shopping for a table saw fence, it is important to consider the type of cuts that the fence will be used for. The most common types of cuts are crosscuts and miter cuts. Crosscuts are cut across the blade, while miter cuts are cut at an angle to the blade. Table saw fences can be classified based on their intended use.
Table saw fences for crosscutting can be made out of different materials, but all of them have one common feature- they provide a barrier between the blade and your workpiece. Crosscut fences typically have a straight edge along one side, and a curved edge on the other side. They are designed to keep your workpiece from being sliced in two by the blade.
Miter saw fences are typically shorter than crosscut fences, and they are specifically designed for cutting angles. Most miter saw fences have two angled sides, with a straight edge in the middle. This allows you to make precise angles without having to adjust the fence every time you make a new cut.
There are a few things to consider when choosing a table saw fence:
- The height of the fence should match the height of your table saw blade(s).
- The width of the fence should fit around both your miter gauge and your workpiece.(If you’re using jigs or guides)
- The type of material (steel, wood) and its thickness should also be considered.
What to Consider When Choosing a Table Saw Fence
When considering a table saw fence, there are a few things to consider. The type of material you will be cutting, the size of the saw blade and your safety are all important factors to consider.
The most important thing to consider when choosing a table saw fence is the material you will be cutting. Different types of materials require different types of fences to stay safe while you are working with your saw. For example, if you will beworking with wood that is thick and heavy, a taller fence may be necessary to keep the blade from touching the wood while you are cutting. If you are only working with thin pieces of wood, a lower fence may be more appropriate so that the blade doesn’t touch the wood at all.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a table saw fence is the size of your saw blade. A larger blade can easily go through thicker fences, while a smaller blade may not have enough room to navigate around obstacles in your work area. It is important to choose a fence that will safely accommodate your specific Saw Blade Size .
Finally, it is important to take into account your safety when choosing a table saw fence. Make sure that the fence is tall enough so that it does not obstruct your view as you work and make sure that it has tight mounting brackets so that it does not move during use.
Types of Table Saw Fences
There are many types of table saw fences that can be used with a table saw. A common type of fence is the miter gauge fence. This type of fence has slots that fit over the miter gauge, and it can be adjusted to create accurate angles. Another common type of fence is the T-slot fence. This type of fence has slits that run horizontally across the top, and it can be adjusted to create accurate angles.
Installing a Table Saw Fence
When considering whether or not to install a table saw fence, the most important consideration is the safety of both you and your tool. Installing a poorly made or unsafe fence can result in serious injury.
The following are some factors to consider when installing a table saw fence:
- Height of the blade: The height of the blade should be at least 3 inches above the work plane on all sides of the blade. Higher heights may be necessary for very large blades.
- Location of the fence: The fence should be properly located so that it doesn’t contact the blade during operation. It should also be positioned so that fingers and arms don’t come in contact with it while working. Fences that are too close to either side of the blade can cause sparks and hot pieces of wood to fly up into your face.
- Lines on the fence: Line up parallel fences with each other and make sure they’re tight against each other and against the workpiece. This will prevent your work from slipping off the edge of one fence and onto another, which could result in injuries.
Table Saw Fence Types
Table saw fence types are one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a table saw. There are three basic types of fences that can be used with a table saw: stationary, mobile, and riving. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Stationary Fences: A stationary fence is the simplest type of fence and is usually just a straight line across the blade. This is the least effective type of fence because it doesn’t allow you to make accurate cuts at angles. Stationary fences also tend to be bulky and difficult to move around, which can make them difficult to use in cramped spaces.
Mobile Fences: Mobile fences are similar to stationary fences in that they consist of a straight line, but they can be moved around on tracks so that you can make accurate cuts at angles. Mobile fences are more versatile than stationary fences because they’re easier to maneuver, but they don’t offer as much protection from the blade since they can move around.
Riving Fences: Riving fences consist of two parallel bars that intersect in the middle. When you put your wood between the bars, it’s automatically cut into thirds. This type of fence is ideal for intricate cutting tasks like rabbeting or end-cutting because it allows you to make precise cuts without having to adjust the blade position constantly. Riving fences are also the most effective type of fence when it comes to preventing accidents due to the close proximity of the blade to your work surface.
The Importance of a Good Table Saw Fence
A good table saw fence is essential to the safety and accuracy of your saw. A poorly installed or damaged fence can lead to dangerous accidents, so it’s important to choose one that fits your needs and meets your safety standards.
Here are some things to consider when selecting a table saw fence:
Length. Make sure the fence is long enough to properly cover the entire workpiece, including the blade guard. Most fences are between 24 and 36 inches long, but extensions can be purchased if needed.
Height. The height of the fence should be high enough to keep your fingers out of the blade area, but not so high that you can’t see what you’re cutting. Most fences are between 4 and 6 inches high, but extensions can be added if needed.
Clamp Height. The clamp height should be adjustable so you can make precise cuts, without having to stand on a stool or reach up above your head. Most clamps are adjustable between 1-1/2 and 2-1/4 inches from the ground, but extensions can also be purchased if necessary.
Rail Size and Shape. Choose a rail that’s large enough for the thickness of your woodworking projects (usually 3/8 inch), but not too large or wide that it causes problems when cutting smaller pieces or tight spaces near the blade guard. Rails come in both straight and curved shapes, depending on your specific needs; curved rails are often more comfortable when working at an angle because they generate less fatigue in your wrists and hands

Mike Fleming
Mike Fleming is an expert in industrial engineering and a recent graduate of Dartmouth. He now lives in Boston with his wife and 1 child. In his free time, he enjoys running and hiking. Mike has worked as an engineer for over 10 years, and has experience in a variety of industries.